Friday, April 13, 2012

The truck got stuck . . . in third gear

We just had a hairy drive down the Andes to Pallatanga, from Riobamba. We went to Riobamba to meet with the Chimborazo soccer federation's head people. There is some concern that Ethan won't be able to play in the provincial qualifiers in June, because he is not a national, so the coach and our clan drove to Riobamba for a meeting about it. We still have to follow up with the Minister of Interior, in Guayaquil. Ethan should feel very complimented, as his coach really wants him to be able to play, and he said many many great things about Ethan. WOW!

At any rate, on the drive back, it turned dark, and there was the usual bad amount of dense fog, but then the clutch went. Don managed to jam the shifter into third at the top of the steepest pass, but we still had another 50 klms of winding mountain roads to go back to camp. Everytime we came up upon a slower moving vehicle, the truck chugged-chugged-chuuged in third, but it didn't stall, as Don fought with it to wait for the right moment, then try to pass when able (still in third gear).

The rain really let loose just as we got into the house. We couldn't believe that Don even managed to negotiate the turn into the camp driveway! God was so amazing, as Don had to dodge small landslides, and pass other vehicles, all along the winding road. Oh my! Don knew if he slowed too much, we'd stall, and there are no shoulders on those roads. We even made it up steep hills that the truck can't usually do in third gear.

Don still has to have a good look at the transmission in the daylight; evidently this has happened to the good ol' Toyota camp truck before. We can hardly believe we made it all that way, God is amazing. We prayed lots!!!!!! And that is really what God has been teaching us in our recent time at camp, to rely on Him, to commit everything to prayer, fervent needy prayer. Being needy about things, etc, is not something that Don and I are used to feeling. We are learning lots and praying lots through these challenges.

We're looking forward to bussing into the town the next time we go. =)